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Python 3.11 or above is required for building Biscuit.

Recommended way to install Biscuit is via pip:

pip install biscuit-editor

Try running biscuit --version in your terminal to check if the installation was successful.

Pre-requisites for Linux

Linux distribtions require some system packages to be installed prior to the installation.

For Debian based distributions,

$ sudo apt install fontconfig libfontconfig1 libfontconfig1-dev cmake cmake-data extra-cmake-modules build-essential
$ python3 -m pip install scikit-build
For Arch Linux based distributions,
$ sudo pacman -Sy
$ sudo pacman -S base-devel cmake extra-cmake-modules fontconfig tcl tk
$ python -m pip install scikit-build
$ python -m pip install tkextrafont

For compiling from source code, please check the installation guide.

Alternative Installation Methods

  1. Standalone Builds:
  2. Grab the latest stable build from releases page
  3. For unstable nightly builds, check the GitHub actions

  4. Compiling from source: For instructions on compiling from source code, please refer to the installation guide.